McLean County State’s Attorney’s Office Blocks Justice


For nearly 8 years, the McLean County State’s Attorney’s Office has fought DNA testing which could prove Jamie Snow was wrongfully convicted.

Jamie Snow was wrongfully convicted in 2000 of a 1991 “cold case” murder and armed robbery of a gas station attendant in Bloomington, Illinois. Since his conviction, witnesses have recanted their testimony, his original lawyer went to jail for fraud, the first cop on the scene has discredited the “star witness” testimony, and an investigating detective has said Jamie’s Snow’s indictment was a mistake.

While an innocent man remains in prison, there is DNA evidence from the case that has gone untested. For nearly 8 years, the McLean County State’s Attorney’s Office has fought DNA testing in this case. The University of Chicago’s Exoneration Project has agreed to pay for all the DNA testing at no cost to McLean County taxpayers, but the State Attorney still refuses.

Allow the Exoneration Project to pay for it, save the tax payer dollars, and let’s put an end to the cloud of doubt surrounding this case. If this crime had occurred today, there is no doubt the state would test every single piece of physical evidence collected from the crime scene.

To date, there have been 337 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States – and Illinois has one of the highest DNA exoneration rates in the nation. Yet McLean County continues to show a pattern of opposing DNA testing. Many of these are cases were prosecuted under the same State Attorneys Office as Jamie Snow’s case and resulted in questionable convictions.

At the time of the crime, fingerprints, blood evidence, and bullets were collected at the scene. To this day, these items have never been tested for DNA. We are asking Jason Chambers to allow testing for the following items:

Fingerprints: Fingerprints were collected from the crime scene, none matched Jamie Snow. Today, the fingerprints can not only be run through the FBI fingerprint database, they can be tested for DNA.

Bullets: Two bullets were retrieved from the victim. They should be tested not only for DNA, but can also be run through the FBI ballistics database in an effort to determine if they were linked to another crime.

Clothing: There was a clear sign of struggle. We are asking that touch DNA testing be performed on the victim’s clothing to determine who struggled with him.

Blood: In line with the signs of a struggle, there was blood evidence found underneath the counter that was identified as human blood. We would like to know the source of that “human blood.”

Additional Discovery: We are also asking for additional discovery so that an expert can give further insight to the crime scene and the meaning of the physical evidence.

Snow’s conviction was solely on the testimony of witnesses who have since been discredited, and jailhouse informants – who we now know were either under extreme pressure by police, or were seeking deals to testify.

Snow’s original trial attorney would later go to prison for bilking an elderly woman of her life savings. Appellate Court Judge Knecht even admitted during oral arguments that Snow’s trial attorney was impaired: “this guy is a, is a alcoholic who has basically lost his life, lost his practice, and was mentally impaired. Not only is he an alcoholic, he has mental illness issues, and that these go back to dates preceding the trial.”

We are asking you to please support Jamie Snow’s petition to test the DNA, and to join us in asking Mr. Chambers to discontinue using McLean County tax dollars to fight DNA testing.

Get the FACTS about Jamie Snow’s case at:


Broken Justices’s note: McLean County State’s Attorney  fighting to prevent DNA testing make it seem he is more interested in protecting his reputation and maintaining the status-quot than justice.  Seems he’s doing everything possible to make sure no one finds out that his office is responsible for putting an innocent man behind bars.